Currency Pair Analysis GBP/CHF

The GBP/CHF currency pair trend analysis is shown below. This is the H4 time frame. This pair sold off and is now consolidating in a cluster. We expect this pair to reverse back up and break out to the upside. Set a resistance breakout alert at 1.4900, see red line.

Above there it has around 400 pips of upside potential back up to the 1.5300 resistance area. When the alert hits check The Forex HeatmapĀ® forex heatmap for buy entry verification. These price alert area and resistance target area are marked in red on the analysis chart below. The GBP/CHF currency pair was analyzed with multiple time frame analysis by individual currency, this analytical method works for all 28 currency pairs we follow at Forexearlywarning.

Currency Pair Analysis GBP/CHF

Currency Pair Analysis GBP/CHF

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